Tuesday, July 12, 2011

My Classroom vs. Mooresville Classroom

The classrooms in Mooresville were able to buy laptops for all students in grades 4-12! This is incredible! I can only imagine all of the awesome things that are taking place...all the possibilities that are available to those students! They are able to follow the ISTE standards and go above and beyond what ISTE has put forth! :)

In my classroom, I have two desktops, two laptops, document camera, and smartboard. We have very limited extra time to use in the computer lab. I think if all students had access to a computer, it would totally change the way we teach! Students would be in charge of their own learning. They would be given a topic and told to use the computer to find the answers! Instead of looking up the answer in a textbook, you can find the answer instantly on the internet.

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